Get the All-In-One Money Tracker

The only tool you need to reach Financial Freedom

Define your budget, set up your financial freedom strategy and monitor your investments portfolio. All in one place.

Includes a 60-min course on creating your own strategy to make Work Optional

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What customers are saying

Abigail Oyelayo (5⭐)

The All-In-One tracker is a tool that simplified my investing plan and helped me to toggle how much I could require to invest monthly to reach my retirement goal. As retirement is a number and not an age, I was able to use the tracker to play around with different life scenarios, market scenarios and financial scenarios to find what best fit my personal goals.

Alberto Rescalli (5⭐)

I was looking for an app to manage my budget and my investments, but they were all either too complicated or too expensive. Then I found this tracker and I can say that I absolutely love it. It's simple and easy to use, totally recommended.

Yoar Pont (5⭐)

The All-In-One tracker has helped me to control my expenses and visually see my investment path. It is an amazing way to clearly know when you will reach your financial freedom. Indeed an essential tool!

Luca Paggin (5⭐)

Sicuramente il tracker è uno strumento utilissimo sia per pianificare la strategia da attuare a lungo termine e sia per tenere traccia in maniera semi-automatica dei propri progressi. Diciamo che è il primo link e forse il più importante per applicare la teoria che Vittorio spiega alla propria situazione. Il bello è che è chiarissimo, semplice da usare e davvero davvero utile


Andre Jacobs (5⭐)

Excited to use the tracker at its best.

Shelly Hill (5⭐)

Oh my God!!! Love it! - GAME CHANGER!!!

Adriano Pantano (5⭐)

Super useful, And extremely easy to use!

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What's included in this deal?

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Who, specifically, is this Tracker for?

The All-In-One Money Tracker is designed for any investor who wants to be in control of their money, from their budget to their investment portfolio, without spending too much time to track it.

When you start out as an investor, you need to know where your money is going at the end of the month, how long it needs to take to reach Financial Freedom, and whether your portfolio allocation is optimal for your goals.

This Tracker aims to answer all these questions in the smartest way possible.

Who should NOT buy this Tracker?

If you already have a tool to easily keep track on your money, it means you already have a working strategy to reach Financial Freedom with certainty, and so this tracker is probably not for you.

However, if you only have an investing strategy in mind but lack a simple way to ensure you are consistent with your plan, you can still benefit from this tracker.

If you are looking for a more comprehensive approach to investing though, you may find Stoic Money Coaching Program more beneficial, as we would work 1:1 to provide you with everything you need (including this tracker) to reach $1,000,000 Net Worth through long-term investing.

More FAQ

Stoic Money has been featured on:

I have 8 years of experience and education in the financial markets

How does the All-In-One Money Tracker work?

Budget Plan

  • Outline your monthly budget allocation across fixed and variable expenses
  • Define how much you can invest per month
  • Calculate the right size for your emergency fund

Future Net Worth Calculator

  • Discover how to achieve different levels of passive income from your investments 
  • Based on your monthly investment contributions, calculate how long it will take to reach Financial Freedom
  • Shave off years of investing to achieve your goals sooner

Current Investments Tracker

  • Adjust your current investments allocation on a monthly basis to maximize your return
  • Discover portfolio imbalances to minimize the risk of losing money over time

Portfolio Performance

  • Track your portfolio growth over time with just 5 minutes per month
  • Learn how to maximize your contributions to speed up your Net Worth growth

Get Ultimate Control over your Financial Future

All-In-One Money Tracker

Define your budget, set up your financial freedom strategy and monitor your investments portfolio. All in one place.

 BONUS Video Course

Learn how to set up the All-In-One Money Tracker and create a realistic plan to make Work Optional.

🔑 Get Instant Access for €69 →

Frequently Asked Questions

Gain the Ultimate Control over your Financial Future

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